A virtual diva that surprised all of Asia being the first successful virtual diva to hit the market. If you know Hatsune Miku, there is no need to explain how popular this character has become. If you don't know her, you should look her up on the internet to get a better feel for the character.Her main products include music albums, several video games, action figures, and the software. Although there are many products, we will be looking at Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd or also known as Project Diva 2. This again includes grading on gameplay, graphics, music, presentation, and overall appeal.
Project Diva 2 is quite a simple game at its core by a simply hitting the buttons when the icon reaches the marker. Its for the psp. Although being a Japanese game which are typically harder than American games, the timing for each note has to be very exact in able to score combos or points in the game. As a musician, I believe that the amount of leeway for a note to be counted towards a combo is a 16th note. The game doesn't contain the normal "get to the end of the song without failing"; however it contains a quota system which is to get a certain amount of fine and cools in order to get a passing score. This game really is hard when it comes to that and people without rhythmic training will soon learn how difficult the game gets.
anime is different from any anime that I have seen before. The largest
reason for this is that the entire series is only 8 episodes long.
And, yes each episode is the normal 24 min long. This series is good
because it somehow fit a deep meaning story in such a short amount of
time. Originally an OVA the anime series was made and released in
2012. The OVA and the anime series were both created from the song by
vocaloid's Hatsune Miku Black Rock Shooter. So, to delve deep into the psyche of middle school students and their counterparts in another dimension, let's delve into Black Rock Shooter the anime.
Okay, so right now I've got Zero breathing down my neck for me to make my first post on the site, so here I am. No real fancy title, 'cause I really suck at naming things. So without further ado, here is my review for Blacklight: Retribution!
This anime rocks!! Sengoku Basara I is an anime based off of a video game series under the same name. Having this connection from a video game instead of a manga helped it out somewhat when it came to various action sequences and other features. Having been released in Japan in 2009 Japan's CBC, it was also later released in the English dub by FUNimation studios in 2010. The opening for the series is JAP by Abington Boys School. So, here is my review of the anime adaptation of Sengoku Basara.