Sunday, June 3, 2012

Anime Analyze: Sengoku Basara II

Now that I have taken a break from it, I went back to the second season of Sengoku Basara in order to finish off the series.  The second season is called Sengoku Basara 2 and follows directly after the first season left off.  The second series was released in 2010 and the opening is a song called "Sword Summit" by T.M. Revolution, a member of the band who made the first season's opener, Abington Boys School.  So, let's jump right into the second season, Sengoku Basara II. 

The series contains the same main characters as the first series, with the main focus being on Date Masamune and Yukimura.  However, it does tend to focus on some of the other generals a but more than in the first season, which I liked a lot.  It focused more on the relationships of the different nations and how they reacted individually when different instances occurred. The setting is the same place and even starts directly where the first season ended. 

The storyline is similar to the first series in that a much more powerful person shows up leading an army trying to take over the entire nation.  This is one downfall of the second series because it is basically the same story, with the only difference being that the person trying to take over wants a different style of government.  His name is Hideyoshi and he wants just to unite all the peoples in one nation ruled over through power by him.  However, they do put a twist on it by having Hideyoshi's second in command trying to constantly get Masamune's second in command, Kojuro to join their side and even goes into kidnapping him in order to try and do it.

Though they tried to take it in a different direction, it seemed like the basic storyline was the same and they really didn't take very many steps to change it.  Though there was the relationship between Keiji and Yujimura that they tried to develop but it really didn't go anywhere with it and kinda fizzled out by the end.

As per the Sengoku Basara way, the fighting scenes were awesome once again with bigger and badder threats to go against, we got to see how exactly the other generals fought when it came to their different powers and abilities and in some cases, the different weapons that they used, using that to try and put a different spin on it.  Like last time the fights were fun to watch and when they did fight you got really into it, but again, it is never explained as to how exactly the people have their different powers to begin with.

Through the series, the storyline does hold up well, even though it is not that big of a storyline, having the show focus more on the fighting than the actual plot, but you could tell that there was actually a plot, despite it being so small.  The little to no dialogue about plot at times didn't help with this aspect, having people discuss things through words and not actions most of the time. 

The series is entertaining as a whole and I recommend watching it right after the first series, since they are basically seasons of the same show but they consider them to be two different TV series altogether.  It holds up slightly lower than the first simply for their originality, since they didn't try very many new things in order to change things up a bit in the second series.  My verdict is a 8.7/10, still good compared to other shows, but compared to the first season at least, it could have done more to change it up.  That is my review of Sengoku Basara II, back with more coming soon!

Final Rating: 8.7/10
Total Episodes: 12
RWF: Japanese Dub w/ English Sub; Once again, I have heard that the English dub on this show is fairly decent. 
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