So, imagine a place where you could make tons of money in a really short amount of time. Sounds good right? But, what if you had to put up your future as collateral in order to make that money? Maybe you hesitate a little bit right? Oh and I never said what I meant by future. Well, I'm not going to tell you, because you are going to have to figure that one out by yourself. That is [C]. Well, not exactly....for that we have to go more in depth as to what is going on here. So we start out with a college student named Kimimaro Yoga, who wants to graduate college, get a job, and then lead a normal life. Well, in order to do that he sacrifices all of his free time or social time in order to work the two part time jobs that he has. This gets altered slightly however when a strangely dressed man named Masakaki drops by for a visit, offering large sums of money in exchange for Kimimaro offering up his "future" as collateral. He initially refuses, but after some time accepts and is taken via magical taxi to the mysterious world of the financial district. It is then explained that each region of the world has it's own individual financial district and people come here in order to participate in what are called "deals". Deals work by having two people put against each other where they can take their assets, which appear in various forms depending on the future that they have given (which no one really knows what that is), and their owners bid money on their assets in order to attack, which causes the other person to lose money and if they lose all of their money, then they go bankrupt and are kicked out of the financial district for the rest of their lives. At this point, the future that they put up for collateral is then taken away and disappears from the world. Each person in the financial district (they are called "Entrepreneurs") must participate in a deal once a week or they pay half of their accounts' balance as a pass fee.
As Kimimaro goes between the two worlds he sees differences in the real world, the biggest thing being that he sees black money mixed in with the normal money and no one else seems to notice, acting as though it is just regular money. It is explained later that it is called Midas Money which comes out of the financial district and is circulated in the real world by the "Entrepreneurs" who earn it. He also starts to grow in that he tries to learn what is moral through the use of this money that could possibly be affecting the economy of the entire world, especially when learning what happens when the financial district for an area goes bankrupt.

The animation in this series is really really good, with some things going with the basic form of animation and others having a more 3D effect, but not completely CG but somewhere in between there was a nice balance that looked really cool. Also, the design of the financial district in general was really cool as well as the assets that the people fought with. When it came to the real world, there were a lot of shadows and they tried to make it look like the real world and I would say that they did a pretty good job of that.

Overall this show is just damn good. If you wanna see a good show that is a little different from others, than this is the show for you to watch. It will not disappoint. Through the entire thing I was hooked on the plot and characters and being the short series that it is, it doesn't take a long time to watch either. I am giving this show a 10/10, which being the first 10/10 that I have done, I have to say that it is worth it, although I may have given Code Geass a ten as well now that I think about it. I don't know, anyway just check out this show and you will have a great time with it. That I can make a guarantee on. Well I will be back soon with my next review, hope you have a good hallmark appreciation day, and have a nice weekend.
Final Rating: 10/10
Plot: 10
Premise: 9.5
Animation: 10
Character Dev: 9.5
Episodes: 11
RWF: Japanese Dub
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